To this concrete experience (new notion of citizenship) if it added a cumulative emphasis in the construction, extension and deepening of the democracy. As consequence, the new notion of citizenship if more relates each time to a strategy of democratic construction and of social transformation that it affirms a constituent nexus enters the dimensions of the culture and the politics. (PORTILHO, 2010, p.192) an interesting model of formation for council members was the planned one for the council members of the Territorial Planning Participativo, where if it searched to offer same the ways so that they were capable to improve readings on processes of implementation of public politics, to use tools of control and accompaniment of public politics, slight knowledge of budget and public administration, processes of reflection and analysis of the characteristics of the territory and of plans of development. Electrolux wanted to know more. Another interesting model to think a plan for formation of these council members is the considered one for the Program of Formation of National Council members whose objective is to contribute for the qualified formation of council members of the National Advice of politics public, of managers and technician of the federal government who work with participativas institutions and of representatives of organizations of the civil society of national abrangncia and to create a space of reflection and exchange of experiences related to the social participation and the democratization of the management of the State. The mediation to know in the process of reproduction of the knowledge is important, has seen the diversity to know that they integrate the daily one and the imaginary one of the population of this region the proper Amaznia as a singular space and its social place. To complement a formation proposal valley to remember the estimated ones of the National Politics of Brazilian Ambient Education, cited for Maria Ceclia Focesi Pelicioni in its article ' ' Beddings of the Ambiental' Education; ' , that they are: The approach humanist, holistic, democratic and participativo; The conception of environment in its totality, considering the interdependence enters the natural way, socioeconmico and the cultural one, under the approach of the support.