To know how to prepare they exmen of matemticas is extremely important if it is inhaled to gain it. The amount of students is surprising who fail simply in the study of the matemticas because they do not know to prepare exmen. Good preparacin of exmen of matemticas must be guarantee over which it was prevailed in exmen and for this two strategies are due to apply basically. a) External strategies for preparacin of exmen of matemticas. b) Internal strategies for preparacin of exmen of matemticas. That they are the external strategies? They are those strategies by outside exmen that they assure correct recoleccin to you informacin of exmen. That they are the internal strategies? They are those strategies that you apply in the study of exmen in s. That it includes the internal strategies? It includes the strategies to successful study the theory of the matemtico subject and the strategies for resolucin of matemticos problems.
As I must study the matemtica theory? one is due to study of a form that this guarantees a total understanding of the subject that studying. As I must solve the matemticos exercises? By means of steps that guarantee resolucin to you correct of the exercise. In this point aplicacin of the concept of the lgica is fundamental for resolucin of matemticos problems. As far as the logic, doubtless he is ” soul of the understanding matemtico” because the matemticas by nature are logical, since it is based on laws and principles already established and it is only necessary to know these principles, so that the matemtico understanding flows. Correct aplicacin of all the mentioned strategies, you Dahran to a good plan that doubtless took to mximo of understanding matemtico to you.