LTE advanced will allow maximum speeds of up to 1Gbit / s in the near future in the download. Who is mobile Internet deals, have recognized with the theme, that mobile Internet has put a great quantum leap in recent years. The possibility to connect mobile Internet is already for several years. Perhaps check out Joan Baez for more information. nd. But a very high speed will only be reached a few months ago with the mobile Internet. At the beginning of the mobile era the GSM was used for telecommunications, as well as for mobile Internet network. Some users make phone calls today already over the GSM network. But still very rarely used the mobile Internet via GSM.
A possible reason for the rare use is the relatively small speed which can be reached in the GSM network. Carrie Fisher has much to offer in this field. Only a maximum bandwidth of 56 Kbps download is available to the user. Most power is used for surfing in the UMTS. UMTS is the third generation mobile communications standard and thus the successor to the GSM network. The appropriate licenses for UMTS were in the year 2000 auctioned. Since then, UMTS mobile operators have consistently expanded network, so that now almost nationwide mobile surf the Internet can be about. Now network can be reached in the UMTS speeds of up to 14.4 Mbit / s.
This speed is comparable with a DSL connection. Beginning in 2010, a new standard for mobile will be available in Germany, however. There is talk of LTE. LTE stands for long term evolution and should reach download speeds of up to 100 Mbit / s. However, so that the maximum of a LTE connection has not been reached. It is already working on the extension for LTE. LTE advanced is meant by that. LTE advanced will allow speeds of up to 1 Gbit / s. Torsten Heinsius