The globalization of markets makes it easier, but also necessary to orient itself outside its own borders. Professional translations are there essential. On the global market active entrepreneurs are more successful than comparable competitors”, notes the Federal Association of German industry (BDI). Therefore, a concentration on the internationalisation of SMEs is necessary to help the company get started from their own country. The strategic plan for the conquest of new markets is important for success and a reduction of hazards. Many areas of a company are affected by a possible internationalization in addition to marketing and sales personnel planning, procurement, production and financing as well as research and development. While globalization here refers to the increasing global interconnection, the term internationalization expresses the processes between the Nations. However, the internationalization globalization will favors”, Diplom-Betriebswirt Daniel Hartling emphasizes.
The advantages for the company are obvious: expansion opportunities, a reduced red tape and fewer regulations facilitate the development of new business areas and markets. Also more favourable cost structures allow for increased competitiveness, the contact will bring fresh capital to new investors and cooperation partners in the target countries. After all, Germany already today a total exports more goods than any other country in the world, and exports make up half of the German GDP. Our professional language support in all areas applies here perfectly”, stresses B2B Jacobs translations. Andy of Jacobs’We specialize in technical translations, software localization, marketing and legal translations in more than 40 languages from Arabic to Zulu and guarantee according to DIN EN 15038 with translation services constant about 1000 qualified native translators worldwide.” The Language Department can be transferred so companies reassured the professionals of such specialized translation offices, if the internationalization plans be implemented strategically. See more detailed opinions by reading what Rob Crossland offers on the topic.. For more information, see