For an online business success depends on the possibility of increase in ranking in search engines and achieve the positioning on the first results. Search engines positioning websites by particular relevance in relation to a number of elements or factors. What people are interested when increase positioning with search engines is use algorithms of positioning in your favor rules. Nobody really knows how search engines indexed and positioned web sites. This is a very well kept secret, if people were really familiar with these elements, the masters of the web could create web sites that corresponded exactly to the demands of the search engines, even without match the query criteria. We know for example, is that the density of keywords on a web site influence the positioning.
This has led to the idea that sites should be built to optimize search engines and increase your positioning. The location of keywords on the pages is very important, as also the frequency. If the keywords are located in the first paragraphs, that page in particular is considered to be relevant to that topic. A web site that is indexed by many search engines does not appear with the same positioning. Their efforts to increase this positioning will show its results over time, progressively, but it needs constant work to improve it.
Make spam to search engines is counterproductive to increase positioning. This is the case when the same word is repeated many times on the same page. Search engines abide advanced methods to find this kind of spam. It is best to use clean practices and techniques and stay away from problems because the penalties can be very costly. So risking the future of your business, trying to increase positioning with strategies you dishonest. If you want to know all about web traffic I invite you to visit our site, where you can access Free report how to increase visits to your Web site and much information on this subject: Greetings cordial Luciano Franzoni original author and source of the article.