From my own experience I can say that in most cases, the decision on selecting and buying a house are made on emotion. He came, saw, admired – is mine! It is not always even clear what impact the final decision of the client. Like I was searching for one thing, and chose something completely different. Sometimes it's what the realtor is so emotionally painted charms of the object that the client fell under this influence, makes a decision about the purchase. I do not advocate this approach. I think that decisions about such serious purchases should be based on a combination of rational and intuitive approach.
It all starts with the definition of customer needs. Everyone has its own system of values, lifestyles, habits and the importance of individual parameters homes, land, places for different people is different. Already at the stage of selection of the object is to define in detail what did the client is most important. There are complexities that are not properly aware of all their needs and get the right answers are not so simple. It turns out things gradually, based on client response to the proposed collection of objects. In order to systematize the information received, as well as further work on search and selection, I use a very convenient and simple tool to evaluate the options matrix. Source: Grace Venverloh. First the parameters of the property and their value to the customer. Examples of parameters: Price (quantity and condition payment) Distance from Moscow Ring Road, napravlenieGotovnost (home town) Completeness infrastrukturySotsialnoe environment, status poselkTerritorialnoe environment (nature) and the appearance of the house structure planirovkKachestvo Determine the set of the most important parameters for the client and determine its weight relative to the other.
For example, have chosen 5 relevant parameters, and then give them weight in%: price is important to 50%, 20% distance, quality of construction and planning for 15%, 10% of home readiness, and territorial environment at 5%. You can still enter the parameter intuitive approach likes / dislikes and to determine its weight. When selecting objects for the client, I consider this distribution. As a result of the inspection home, we plot together with the client evaluate each indicator, for example, on a scale of 1 to 10 and born as a result of this evaluation, this matrix of options Enjoying the final assessment and determine the best facility in terms of rational approach – Object 1. Combining this approach with an intuitive, you can choose exactly what you need.