To tell on pleasant, modern and mainly ad hoc icons the intention of our site, projects a strong sensation of professionalism in its design, trying that all the used icons have the same style and graphic consistency. Creative use of libraries Javascript Slide, accordions, merry-go-rounds, tooltips, abatis, etc. Exist a infinity of frameworks that we can choose to improve the performance of our sites. The Web is full of sites and groups use that them, but the point of differentiation this in creativity of its use and mainly in the personalisation that we give him so that they integrate perfectly to the concept of the design that we propose. Attractive photographies and of good quality Many sites obtain a strong identity thanks to the use of attractive photographies and quality in their interface, in fact some exist that to their exclusively base it impact on it, but beyond these cases the use of quality photographies allows to give to an image of professionalism and vividez, important aspects in the formation of bows of confidence with our visitors. As we have already said it the quality in the design generates confidence. Important text design Two great typesetter tendencies exist that have revolutionized the form in which we presented/displayed our messages, these tendencies are the use of typesetter sources of great size and the graphic design of important messages of the site.
Both options are good to create distinction and personality to our designs, besides contributing greatly to obtain an effective communication of the important messages of the site. Originality The encausada originality distinguishes and creates identity. When we managed to create a design that denotes a total conceptual originality and own use of the graphical elements, the formation comes in addition from a noticeable identity. Here there are no advice who are worth, here only counts our I devise and graphic audacity, by all means accompanied by a good criterion, technique and style. Taken care of final of the details But that an option must become a habit in our form of work, to take care of of the details of our design it is the key that power to the maximum our design, I have seen many sites that emphasize solely certain areas of their design and neglecting others and I see as my appreciation of its professionalism is fallen. Some of the details that we must take care of: – That does not exist unsquares of the elements of the design – Its correct presentation in the different navigators – Its correct visualization in different resolutions from monitors – Aesthetic and usabilidad in our forms – Strategic Use of empty spaces – Correct Operation of framework – Etc.