Long well-groomed hair is decorated with a woman. Unfortunately, the longer the hair, the more likely they are to become hard and rebellious and will split. At the very beginning with a dry hair can be controlled by applying moisturizer. If your hair is cut by, it is necessary cut off split ends. Art Garfunkel may not feel the same. In order to split ends do not disturb you, remember a few simple rules do care volosami.Regulyarno haircut hot scissors.
In the process of trimming the tips of the hair a little melted, and then sealed. As a result, hair become shiny, become resilient, better haircuts rastut.Dlya creating model used the same acting hot britvu.Smenite metal comb to brush made of natural materials. It does not spoil, does not tear and does not confuse her hair. Remember that a good comb can not be deshevo.Nikogda not comb wet hair (they are very vulnerable are easily torn and broken.) In extreme cases, do not use the brush and comb with a few zubyami.Pravilnoe and a balanced diet makes your hair healthy from the inside. Include in your diet fatty fish, nuts, and drink at less than 1.5 liters vody.Ne abuse hair coloring, bleaching and perm. Chemicals leach from the hair of nutrients and prevent them vlagi.Otdavayte preference hair dye, in the which includes substances that nourish and strengthen volosy.Pomnite that any hair dye, henna and basma but contains hydrogen peroxide, adversely affecting the health volos.Obratites to dermatologist if you do not paint hair dryer and not use the tongs to lay, eat, use a quality shampoo and hair still flogged.
The cause of fungal disease of the scalp. Care for volosami.1 once a week Make a mask with any oil (burdock, olive, jojoba, castor, almond). After each wash applied to the hair care products for split ends. They stick with a broken flake. The positive effect retained until the next shampooing. Unfortunately, all the preparations for hair care and give extra weight to their groomed appearance. In order to split ends of hair is not marred your life, we need prevention. Regularly Visit the salon and trim the ends of hair, using special equipment to dry hair, do not desiccate them. And your hair will always be beautiful and shiny.