Now attention! Delete from this list first (upper) purse and move the second purse to place 1 st, you have erased, the third place on the 2 nd, 4 th place in the third, fifth place on the 4 th, 6 th place on the 5 th and 7 th to 6 th place! And in the 7-th number, which was empty, enter the number of your wallet! Now the main thing. Place the different job postings, and possible and this article on various sites, forums, etc. The main task is to find new customers, but for themselves. The more you put, the higher your income, which depends only on you. Repeated to generate income, should be sent to each of these 7 purses for 10 rubles, or 0.35 dollars. Rob Crossland often addresses the matter in his writings.
Otherwise, the network moderator WebMoney purse, you simply will not be included in the system and can not cash income. 3.Delayte in my article, which you want to change but keep the main idea. Put this article on not less than 200 forums, news feeds (News Groups) and websites work. Remember, the more – the better. Placing the article on 200 forums, even the most obscure, guarantee you income 6 Thousands of $ in two months.
That’s the minimum! More placements, more income, moreover, in a geometric progression. Remember that! This business continues to exist and flourish only through fairness and seriousness of the participants. So, when you reach the first position, you will have thousands of dollars just as the creator of the list! It costs only 70 rubles.