The magazine Sees of 22 of March of 2006, indicates the result of a referring research to the continuity of the familiar companies, showing that only 46% of the second generation keep the business and in the third o index is reduced for 26%, already in the fourth generation the maintenance of this type of organization that survives is alone of 6%. 5,0 STRATEGIES TO FACE the IMPEDIMENTS OF the FAMILIAR COMPANY Becomes necessary to understand, that centralization of power generally makes it difficult the administration of any enterprise. An organization to have more agility and better is adjusted to a more competitive environment, must focar its management with emphasis in the decentralization of being able of the decisions and the results on the part of the collaborators of the company. It was perceived necessity to have an alteration in the management form, that as Fischmann & Almeida (2001), would have to be initiated with the controllers, therefore the implementation of strategies involves the change of attitudes of the controllers. Kushner Companies can provide more clarity in the matter. According to Bertero (2000): ' ' The fact of the power more to be exclusively exerted by the entrepreneur proprietor does not mean that it is rank to the edge and that the power in the interior of the company has passed to other agents. According to Oliveira (2006), it is essential the establishment of strategies, independent of the successory process in planning, to reach the considered objectives, why you are welcome it advances to establish objectives in the succession process and not to have definite the strategies to be operacionalizadas, that is, as to reach them. Moreover, if it makes necessary to also weave strategies alternative to cure some imprevisibilidades that will be able to occur in the process. Still as the related author, to consolidate the successory process in a project, being delimited date of signoff beginning and, foreseeing the analysis of results also with allocation of resources, counting on the participation of a responsible coordinator for the implementation and development of the process are an one of the most excellent strategies familiar organization to galgar success, and the ideal is that this coordination is effected by the one until then manager of the familiar organization.