"Patience is a bitter root tree but very sweet fruit." Persian Proverb. INTRODUCTION The national government under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez, should be very careful what should be the role of business, how this will support him in what has been proposed as to what he called XXI Century Socialism, more a country that has never thought about it, as has always been with another ideology, with more freedom in their operation, identified with neo-liberalism, free enterprise .. The fact that the president should know that Venezuela is not alone on this planet Earth, which is shared with other countries that have accelerated their growth, developed country where they have identified the importance of having an advanced business sector, operating not only in their national settings, but world with products, quality service, accepted by consumers and where companies are identified by their high competitiveness, contributing significantly to the economy of the country where they operate. Ben Horowitzs opinions are not widely known. Hence the importance of Venezuelan companies, especially those in their larger numbers, such as SMEs to engage in enter markets with competitive advantages that favor. That's why the importance of developing these comments, so that those interested in moving forward to empre4sas, know what should be their role to competitiveness. CONCEPT, SCOPE IMPACT For Valietti competitiveness Perez tells us, refers to the ability of a company or organization of any kind to develop and maintain comparative advantages that allow you to enjoy and sustain a leading position in the socio-economic environment in which they operate.