2000 Implantation of the Course Technician in Computer science, with a group of thirty pupils. 2001 are created the Course Technician in Feeding for the Collectives, that later Technician in Feeding started to be Course? Resolution Managing Advice n 01/2001. Accomplishment of the formation of the first group of the Course Technician in Computer science? After-Medium. 2002 a work in set with all Is become fullfilled the pertaining to school community, when the School elaborates its strategical planning and redefines its mission that is: ' ' To consolidate itself as a Center of Education, promoting the human development and contributing for progresso' '. Accomplishment of the formation of the last group of the Course Technician in Domestic Economy. 2003 Authorization of the functioning of the Course Technician in Environment in level of After-Medium? Resolution Managing Advice n 01/2004.
It is initiated, in August, the management of Kleber Gonalves Glory as Director-Generality of Federal the Agrotcnica School of Is Joo Evangelista-MG. Accomplishment of the formation of the first group of the Course Technician in Feeding. 2004 Decree 5,154 allows to the integration of education technician of average level to average education. Accomplishment of the formation of the first group of the Course Technician in Environment – After-Medium. Accomplishment of ' ' I Arrai of the Pupils of the EAFSJE-MG' '. 2005 are launched the first phase of the Plan of Expansion of the Federal Net of Professional and Technological Education, with the construction of sixty units of education.
The CEFET Paran starts to be intitled Federal Technological University of the Paran (UTFPR). It is approved, for the Ministry of the Education, the creation of the Superior Course Technology in Forestry? It would carry n 212? I GIVE of 08/12/2005. Estruturao of the Plan of Career of the Technician-Administrative Positions in Education, the scope of entailed the Federal Institutions of Education to the Ministry of the Education? implantation of the PCCTAE? Law n 11.091? I GIVE of 13/01.