You think that your thoughts only happen within your mind? It would seem that yes, but in fact for the being he leaves from a THINKING UNIVERSE, we created in this Universe and he believes in us the matter from the information and energy. For practical aims, everything what we thought Manifest about Our Life like experiences and material objects. Literally we have the faculty to manipulate the matter (that is energy and information) with our mind (that also is energy and information). As what it serves to know this to us? He is real? It is possible? The theoreticians of the quantum physics agree in this truth: We create with our mind ours ” realidad” we perceived and it through our senses that also are a creation of the quality of our perception. When knowing the Nature the Creation of the energy and its physical manifestation we can take advantage and apply that knowledge in the area of the prosperity in our life. Finally that is what ” is denominated; law of atraccin” or manifestation; that it is the creation of energy and information in solid objects and experiences that we can perceive with our senses, it is important to stand out, that the emotions and the internal game carry out the most important roll in the quality of this creative process. Old Vedaic Proverb Said this, it develops the following tool: How I can apply of form practical these principles in my life To create Prosperity? What you are? Whereupon you identify yourself for definirte? Your sex, your body, your properties, your origin, your nationality? Those are only some disguises that we placed on our Being to amuse a little to us with the called experience life .