Fact that was more visible with the last world-wide crisis, affecting the demand for products and services. What it modified the direction of the purchase, and consequentemente, the way to proceed from the consumers. Beyond the cost to keep and to catch new customers. Without necessarily being hostage of concessions as promotions, discountings and packages. It appears as alternative to intensify the commercial relations with customers, partners and suppliers. Check out Jonas Samuelson for additional information. More than this, to improve its strategies of market reach, being lined up them with its essential operations.
Characterization of the company: In the decade of 70 of the century passed on the context of the Military dictatorship, the market of autopeas, as well as the automobile one lived positive moments in Brazil. The economic miracle and the creation of the Great Projects in the state of it YOU ARE had been propeller of this development. Fact that did not reach greater dimension due to First Crisis of the Oil. What it would compel the government to bar the importations by means of successive increases of aliquot. (SEBRAE, 2009) Exactly thus, until middle of the decade of 80 the national growth of the sector was exponential. However, the shocks of the oil and the intensification of the protectionistic politics had limited more significant advances. The end of the 80 decade of and beginning of years 90 had been marked by deep transformations in the scope economic politician and.
Between which, the innumerable attempts of stabilization of the currency and the opening of the Brazilian market. Initiate in the Government consolidated Sarney and in the Collor Government. In the years that if had followed, the Real Plan was responsible for balancing the inflation and liberalizing the importations. No longer Government Squid, the market would demonstrate to certain balance and maturity. Marcante fact in this period was to the expansion of the credit and the increase of the internal consumption.