Thus it happened that in the aforementioned Emperor Valente was the elder brother, who called Valentiniano. Yes, the older brother had the same name as the youngest, only the smaller version, which in Roman times is very common. For example, the emperor Constantino had three sons: Constantino, Constancio and Constante. While Valente rules oriental provinces with its capital in Constantinople, his brother – the Western (capital located in Milan). But that's another story At that time the Christian Church was engaged in constant pursuit of careless Christians.
At the same time not forget the martyrs, and from time to time (and often better to say) gives one or the other title of "saint." Day on which the saint died, declared in his memory sacred. Get more background information with materials from Howard Schultz. Now, every day of the year reminds us of some martyr or saint. While most of the martyrs had Latin names. At least two martyrs named Valentinus and the day that honored their memory, falls on Feb. 14. In ancient time, infant mortality was very high, so that was very important to have many children. Thus, people who for whatever reason, have few children or were not generally seen as cursed, and resorted to mystical rites to gain the ability to fertility. The place where the she-wolf (following legend) nursed Romulus and Remus (founders of Rome) has been considered sacred by the Romans.
Each year, was held here on February 15 a holiday, called Lupercalia (from Lat. Lupo-wolf), during which a victim sacrificed animals. From their skins were made whips and priests running around in the crowd waving these scourges. It was believed that infertility cured those who receive the lash. And, indeed, received a blessing from heaven as a shock, Men and women have fled back home "pohlopotat of posterity." Thus, in human minds this holiday has been associated with love and sex. In 494, Pope Gelesi banned this pagan holiday, but perhaps it could be someone to stop. And the feast continued now under a different name and was moved a day earlier, that is Valentine's Day. Later on, to hide the ancient pagan festival of fertility, there is a legend that Valentine's Day patron of lovers.