Many of us have faced or will face paying by check this in the future. If you do work at home, tobish work on the Internet, you need a few companies offer account checks. It is the longest method calculation. In this article we analyze in detail in it. Check – an order the owner of a certain bank account to pay a certain sum of money to the bearer. When you present a check to the bank, then you leave it half, and the rest part of the document you keep with you. There are a number of important information on the front of the check, it address sponsor Bank and address, account number sponsor bank check number, check par date the check is issued. Due to the small number of branches of foreign banks in the USSR obnalichevanie check – current issue online – professionals and web designers.
But our banks are practicing a "know-how 'as the acceptance of a check for collection. Collection – an operation in Recalling that the bank receives the money the client's order with a check. The Commission for the Incas from 1% to 10%. This method is the most up to date.