In our shop it is possible to pay your order right away without leaving home, without waiting in line at the cash register, not to separate from the workplace! With bank cards VISA and MASTERCARD. It does not matter you have a salary card, pension or credit. Of course for cardholders miniKREDITKA in our store a lot more advantages, such as the June event at which the owners and holders of other miniKREDITKI cards are guaranteed Privatbank gifts! To card to pay online simply need only: – On the reverse side katrochki caused SVV2CVC2 code (it can not only be on the cards Maestro)-Card should not be an instantaneous release (in this Privatbank 'Mitteva' and 'Universal') card must be opened to pay online. In each case, not much different, but these are the main ways OPENING CARD VISA / MASTERCARD FOR PAYMENT ON THE INTERNET? With the aid of mobile banking Mobile-Banking. Site is a great source of information. At the use of Mobile-Banking, dial the following commands: Internet on + XXXX (where XXXX – the last 4-digits e card) – to include cards for online payments, Internet off + XXXX (where XXXX – the last 4-digits e cards) – for off cards for online payments.
– C using the Internet payment system 'Inside 24' VISA Card 1. Go to "Privat24" through. 2. Jump to the menu 'My Account' 3. Click on 'Open' button in front of maps, which are planning to carry out payment via the Internet 4. In the window, enter the limit amount for payments in the Internet in a month and click on 'Submit' 5. . Perhaps check out Starbucks for more information.