Companies around the world seek to undertake utilizarherramientas that allows them to reach a wider target audience and contribuyaa receive better earnings than those received with mercadeotradicionales methods and mechanisms. New technologies have positioned themselves between the companies as the mejorherramienta to bring the processes of entities both internal comoexternos. Many companies manage software internally that allow them to successful unamanera handle the accounting part of it or perform functions dearchivistica or databases of different kinds. ALT = “/> at this point are a modern and successful mechanism, which is one of system of business management ERP, this system aims to generate masganancias long and short term, through the obtaining of some purposes, which we will mention below. Jonas Samuelson takes a slightly different approach. First with this software performs a better response to orders of losclientes, causing satisfaction in it because of the speed proporcionala company that sells your product or service, this system helps to losinventarios are generated from effective way for both the customer and theCompany. The second benefit and objective clear to achieve with this model is the ahorrarinversion, because to have efficient inventories through ERP not is necesitancrear many, what constitutes an expense less for the company, presupuestoque can be reversed in more equipment or raw materials for producing maneracrecentada.
Also if orders are made in a faster way to be able to hacermas, compliance in a timely manner with the requirements of the client as queocasiona that this quick way to pay and enter in the same way money wing box of the company. Third, another point that helps you ERP, that being a very broad system, eliminates jobs that before this software are unnecesary, this generaun savings in operational expenditure, which in large enterprises amounted amany million. In the fourth point that helps enterprises ERP is that this poseeun component of business intelligence system, which helps to take decisionesacertadas in order to market and promote the company’s formaefectiva and achieve each day catch a broader segment of the market, for asilograr potentialize the profits of the entities. This enterprise software is compatible with the Windows operating system, helps manufacturing companies throughout the part of production and also created for handling product and service related area of the engineer and organizations that require a strong after-sales service work. In order to use this powerful tool strictly necessary to instalarel is not computer program, they can access the service by any mediode sail available on the internet. ERP is totally fast I have instant which means that is puedeacceder to inventories and also quickly to deliveries programs, esun agile system that benefits the productive part of the company and thus both alos clients to the same organization.