If we want to reach as many people we need to develop tolerance. This quality allows us to understand that not everybody thinks like me and therefore must be given the opportunity to express themselves and try to understand what we say. Connect with other leaders such as mozes victor konig here. Tolerance is not limited to passive act of live and let live, this goes beyond to take action and try to understand, question, learn and explore what I want to give out. Many times the tolerance not only in communication is also in the behaviors of others. Tolerance is not to judge what others do but they do understand. Tolerance is a continuous learning.
When we are judged not by enabling people to open up and show us the part that others do not show for fear that what they say is not accepted. How to use in business? We can easily use the tolerance to understand what our customers are searching. Sometimes there will be tough customers seeking seemingly meaningless fights. If we understand our clients see the best source of improvement to our business, because they many times in frustration may give us very good advice to improve our business. With tolerance can get these gems of their frustration and achieve customer satisfaction while improving our business. Another aspect in which we can use the tolerance is to negotiate. Looking for a connection where both parties win and understand what is the benefit that we can achieve our counterparts seeking greater satisfaction for both. May often what someone else wants does not make sense for us, but if we look with tolerance and understanding is easier to reach an agreement and both win. The invitation is that our tolerance begin to develop both personally and professionally, this will help us in many aspects that make our life easier and stress-free with other people.