Therefore of this form, Biodiversity in Brazil can be protege, the raw material scarcity can be controlled and the pollution and the saturation of aterros brightened up. Moreover, with all the implantation of the inverse flow, still has the social aspect, therefore the creation of new jobs for activities of collect, separation is necessary, etc. You may find mozes konig to be a useful source of information. Rodrign (2000) calls the concept of this area as inverse or management of devolutions as a basic, however, still unknown link. Where they possess 3 (three) factors that make it difficult this management, as: the reason of the return (in case that a devolution or desistance is about), its origin (if she is the final customer or of the company) and finally, the type of returned material (if it is the proper product, or the packing). Adding to this, studies for the Institute of Pesquisa Econmica Aplicada had been carried through (IPEA), where they declare that Brazil loses 8 (eight) billions per year when embedding the reciclvel material, without counting the damages ambient. In what it says to the statistical data, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE), portraies that the country is recordista world-wide in recycling of aluminum cans, reaching of 50% in 1993 89% in 2003 and on the transformation of paper of 38,8% in 93 for 43,9% in 2002. However, the data related to the selective collection are minimum: but 2% of what he is discarded are collected, and about 6% of the residences they are provided by the service of selective collection disponibilizada by the city hall. However, still it is dealt with the lack of governmental incentives to the industries, the comprometimento of the society and public and private entities that had not yet been sensetized with the managements economic and ambient of the reaproveitamento from the discarding. One gives credit that the National Advice of the Environment (CONAMA), Brazilian agency that assessor, studies and considers to the federal government routes of politics for the Environment and its natural resources, defining compatible norms and standards for the quality of life, is a direct way for the development of ambient managements in what it involves collection, reutilizao, recycling and final disposal, walking side by side to logistic reversa.