170). In the City of Saint Antonio of the Tau it is common focos of ambient impacts caused by the extration of taboca for the production of skewers for barbecues, these of the esquinas known as ‘ ‘ churrasquinho of gato’ ‘ , therefore, this type of activity in the city does not require of fiscalization for responsible ambient agencies. What he observed himself is that the inhabitants of the community are advancing each time plus other territories for the extration of taboca, in what provokes the social extinguishing of the native species of the region conflicts. Few know that such activity, in the city of Saint Antonio of the Tau, provokes considerable ambient impact, a time that its withdrawal leaves forsaken the edges of the rivers for the action of fluvial erosion, what cause landslide in determined region.
However, although the displayed one, hundreds of inhabitants live of this activity for the sustenance of its families and increase of income. Finally, so that the prevented displayed one either, the responsible agencies, or even though the proper community, could be searching next to other professionals of the ambient area methods that can be used in the extration of taboca and recycling of its remaining portions that are abandoned in the places of extration or manipulation of the skewers of barbecues, without the same it is devastado. Thus, what the necessary city is of one ambient politics where the agencies can be intervening with the extreme extration of taboca. In accordance with the Brazilian Forest Code, the areas where they are extracted tabocas in Saint Antonio of the Tau, is inside of the Areas of Preservao Permanente (APP) is areas ‘ ‘ covers or not for native vegetation, with the ambient function to preserve hdricos resources, the landscape, the geologic stability, biodiversity, the gnico flow of fauna and flora, to protect the ground and to assure well-being of the populations humanas’ ‘..