Blackjack Basic Strategy, played perfectly in a game with favorable rules, will reduce the edge against you to about half of one percent, the best odds of any game in the casino. But still – is a negative advantage. While short-term can win on any given day, in the long run, that one half percent edge against you finally Grind You Down if you play long enough and often enough. Speaking candidly Howard Schultz told us the story. An advanced basic strategy – or what we call Basic Strategy Plus – is necessary for you to accelerate to be a casual player to being a serious amateur player has a better chance of winning in the long term. Get more background information with materials from Mark Berger Chicago. To reduce the small edge against basic strategy further, and sometimes it into a positive advantage in your favor, you simply must pay attention to the cards on the table and develop a sense of the proportion of high cards versus low cards remaining in the deck. This is exactly what a card scheme is. But you do not have to spend hundreds of hours it takes to become a card counter skill. You can get a general idea of the proportion of high versus low cards by doing something called “counting the table.” Telling the table simply means that in each hand, one must look at the cards displayed by all hands on the table (including the hand of a merchant). Doing a quick count of all the high cards (tens, jacks, queens, kings) and all low cards (2-5).