The truth is that every page must have its focus, but the truth is that the first thing we think about is how I have positioned my website. If a person comes to our site because you typed into Google one of our keywords should easily find information related to that keyword, but quickly abandon the site. When someone rides his or window shop on the Web, is to prepare a dissemination strategy. Because otherwise, your website will not be visible and every effort will have been in vain. John O. Utendahl has many thoughts on the issue. This happens in a traditional store. Let us take much more imagination, the better our arguments. In a world moving so fast and in which there is growing technical and advertising impact, creativity is positioned as a powerful position in the consumer's mind. The main source of visits to websites comes from the mails.
It is therefore vital that all company emails carry a signature incorporated into the final with our contact details and of course the direction of our website. But if in addition a tiny little phrase we offer something for free on the web, our mail will have many opportunities to be forwarded and reach more people. The second source of visitors are search engines. Give your website high on major search engines and if on certain words or phrases there is a high competition hires an agency to position yourself in Google, pay per click but you'll get high visibility. The best way is to put a ceiling per month. And do not forget to advertise your website in traditional media, pens, business and in-store posters, brochures …