For this it is that the lobbistas exist, that are people who form a group organized with the purpose to influence the decision on substances argued and voted for the legislative one and to hinder or to speed up the proceeding of laws that disfavor or benefit the ones that they are to represent. In the case of Brazil, the agrarian reform can be affirmed hardly that if it will carry through, thus is praiseworthy to appeal what Art. 138 of the federal constitution: It competes to the Union dispossessing for social interest for ends of agrarian reform the agricultural property that is not fulfilling its function social, by means of previous and joust indemnity in headings of agrarian debt, with clause of preservation of the real value, you rescued in the stated period of up to twenty years, from as the year of its emission, and whose use will be defined in law (FEDERATIVE CONSTITUTION OF BRAZIL, 2007, P. 125). From a simple analysis I break up of it above, can be observed that it is not easy to promote an agrarian reform in this country. First, because it remodels agrarian is not simple land distribution for who does not have it.
Second, that to carry through such fact, the State would have that to offer to all a social, financial structure and politics to these social, credit people, through politics, in end, the federal public power, assisted for the other spheres, it would have that to construct to all a base of support to these people, what the proper constitution affirms that not simple, without counting the other mentioned factors already. It is praiseworthy also to consider that, with the insertion of the capitalism in the field, other form of if distributing lands had appeared, as example, for the way of assalariamento and arredamento. Many other authors already disrespect the necessity of accomplishment of agrarian reform.