Aggressive strategies to make the best method of online money online money earn to find to find an excellent affiliate means strategy. So much is written about it, there are so many theories that you no longer know what to believe. Earn money online must be not difficult or complicated. The magic word is “imitate”. Mimic, mimic and imitate again. Of course without doing any copyright infringing. In principle is money online earn easy. Without large starting capital, you can theoretically far bring it and earn a lot.
Where to earn easy money there are also many who want to have a piece of the pie. With the result that money is no longer easy. The competition online is murderous. Who wants to earn money online, who must be a space between the competition wants to conquer, as well or better than the other. “I want to have what is now yours” to be the mental starting point. A simple online money making killer strategy: go to the AdWords keyword tool and search for keywords with a high click price. 1.50-2.00 euro per click.
Enter these keywords in Google BBs search. Search on the search results pages for AdWords ads affiliates. Concentrate on ads in the top rankings. Watch these ads 2-3 weeks. Are you always there when you call up the page? If you still appear after 2-3 weeks, you can assume that you are profitable. Sites that earn more than 1.50-2.00 euro per visitor on average have an excellent sales concept and product. View exactly how these people do it. Investigate under what keywords also these sites show and promoted the products in these ads. These are the products that bring you the most profit. No one advertises online for products which no money can be earned. Analyze the sites piece by piece. What is your sales trick? What colors are used? What is the layout? What mood do you call? Do you have a newsletter? What they don’t, and what could you do better? Imitate everything, put Improvements to and create ads for the profitable keywords of your competitors. Who is just as good or better than the competition will get a piece of the cake, and will make money online. Sites with AdWords ads have in General a solid customer base and there is therefore no reason why you should earn more.