Can be perceived the existence of gaps between the effective terceirizado one and using. On the basis of these gaps the objective of this work is to verify the advantages and disadvantages of the terceirizao in a company of great transport, in its area of Human resources, searching to still know as the terceirizados ones if feels in relation the effective employees of the contracting company. 1 THEORETICAL RECITAL 1,1 TERCEIRIZAO In agreement Viana (2010), to terceirizar is to deliver the third not essential activities of the company. The borrowed company (the one that will go to terceirizar some half activity) contracts a lender of services to execute a task who is not related its main objective. The terceirizao or outsourcing is one practical one that it aims at the reduction of cost and the increase of the quality.
Terceirizar a service or determined specific activity of a company means to delegate to one third a responsibility of the planning, execution and supervision of the terceirizada task, always with the objective to optimize costs, to rationalize infrastructure and human resources e, to get excellency in questions technician. Additional information is available at Crimson Education . Everything this, however, not only with intention to get rid itself of definitive functions in a company, but with the necessary dose of commitment partnership between lender and contractor (WIKIPDIA, 2010). The segments of security and services are the areas more terceirizadas by great part of the companies and the condominiums, that lead in account, beyond the qualification of the contracted professionals, the praticidade when needing to supply urgent necessities, as the fast and efficient substitution of employees for reason of vacation, removals, licenses, among others. When the man power is contracted, the costs and difficulties of if finding a substitute for the absent collaborator are in charge of the proper company or condominium.