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One of the basic rules when it comes to working in the Office is to be efficient in everything you do. This includes the maximization of its time, because almost all the jobs that are offered, are paid according to the time spent. Therefore, it is necessary to make the best at that time, so that the company can also get the best of you and what you can do. It is then a need to learn about simple ways how it can be efficient. = Course for the efficient management of time, effective techniques that can be applied in less than seven minutes to achieve more than they never believed possible in less time. Visit for more information.

There are occasions in which seems to be Oblivion do a thing, because certain tasks that differ from time to time. Almost everybody does it. But for this not to happen, what you should do is have a notebook or agenda where all tasks must be written. It is highly recommended that they listed correctly so that you can have an overview of the flow of the day. In that case, you will be able to track what has been done and what still must perform. 2. Be sure to set its priorities.

It is always better to ever complete this list, you know what must be done first and that every effort should be. We have to consider that, at the end of the day, you will possibly have a lower yield than during the morning. 3. After having clear your schedule, you will be able to avoid overloading activities, another factor that makes maximize their time is not trying to do an impossible thing for extended times. You should not spend much time when any task is difficult to carry out. Ask for help and continue with the rest 4. Maximize your time also can be achieved through multitasking. Thanks to the creation of technologies that can help you to perform multiple tasks. Take for example the fax in new line which can already send their documents online, which means that you no longer have the hassle of operate the equipment for the document and the fax for sending that message machine. Now, you can simply use the Internet and proceed immediately with all fax online on the same computer. If the technology can perform multiple tasks, then you can also do the same. 5. Distribute your personal time. When you can sit and relax. This is also an important part of how maximize your time. Ultimately, you also have to take forces for the following workload. An exhausted body cannot work properly.

The Problems

The Problems

On the other hand, to allow others to assume decision-making to resolve a problem, strengthens the commitment of those who accompany the leader and also learn to take responsibility for the results, successes or failures. Necessary to always bear in mind that the leaders have a responsibility to enable others to develop their potential, and to consolidate the skills necessary to solve problems. Some bosses think: is that they will not do well. Some leaders act according to that si want to that something goes well do it your mismo; do not fall into that trap. Easiest thing is to do things for yourself to make sure that they do well and surrender to the process of and training enabling you owe to other people working with you and under your responsibility.

The leaders have a responsibility to enable and empower others to making decisions and solving problems. Assume responsibilities for other people, it is subtracting them opportunities for growth, and this creates dependency toward the leaders, and disability in the followers. This naturally takes his time and implies that the leader be involved in the process, and reverse attention and time on people to teach them, but the long-term results are satisfactory. Another aspect that requires emphasis in relation to the resolution of problems, is that solving problems requires a strategic approach. This is a key aspect in the effectiveness of the leader: his strategic sense when solving problems. The idea is to anticipate problems and not that they will surprise leader cornered to a frightened animal, which detracts from effective responsiveness.

Leaders need to be proactive and learn to identify potential problems and anticipate its resolution even before the problems appear. Otherwise, they will be tied to a management crisis, which acts reactively which firefighters attending fires that appear, with a style of lead fire, turning fires where arise; but not to resolve the root causes, but fighting against the symptoms. In this respect says Joel sweep: the success of management, resides in the ability to conduct a proper strategic exploration, which is accomplished by disposing of the attitude of taking decisions as a reaction to present problems to devote himself to the anticipation of future problems. By which the leader need to analyze: if it is proactive, the change can mean an opportunity, but if it is reactive, the change can become a tremendous threat. I want to leave you with three final suggestions: the leaders need to cultivate the habit of the action, which is contrary to defer decision-making. The problems there leaving him to step, because they are not going to fix themselves. The leader needs to develop their ability to solve problems. Remember that a decision is not such as he is expressed in action. It separates people problems, especially when you’re in a Committee on analysis of problems. The idea is to attack the problems and not to persons, which does not resolve them, in addition to generating conflicts. Not decide hot important decisions. If possible, take a reasonable time to analyze the situation and see possible options. Leaders are responsible for the problems of the organization. You can not retract you of that responsibility, under penalty of losing your original author credibility and source of the article.