When it goes to buy a necessary automobile to choose which optimum credit automobile. If it intends to be with the car in its name must opt to a personal credit. However it needs to give real estate securities, therefore as the automobile does not serve of guarantee, the necessary financial entity of other guarantees as its house or financial investment. If it is not important to be soon with the car in its name, can opt to the leasing, therefore it is a credit option sufficiently flexible automobile and that it allows it to buy the car in the end of the contract. In the case of renting the car never will be its, can consider as if of one lease if treated. It has the advantage to have lower monthly costs, however the car never will be its. Before choosing which optimum credit for itself, it always tries to get optimum possible price next to stand, therefore arguing the price it goes to see that it obtains a good discounting. Later it tries to ask for a proposal of credit in stand and its personal bank, therefore they will possibly be the best proposals that will be able to get.