Because for banner displays on its own website (Fremdeinblendungen) receives the relevant Webmaster Banner Advertisement to the other partner sites (own impressions). In general, you will receive a banner exchange at the beginning up to 5000 Advertisement start to kick-start and an exchange ratio of 10:7 and 10:9. For 10 displayed advertising banners on its own web page will be up to 9 Banner Advertisement on the websites of other partners in this network. As the operator of a banner exchange system on the one hand, its additional start Advertisement meet needs and wants to meet on the other part of its server costs for the free services or this would have compensated by advertisements for other web projects of the operator, is the exchange ratio is not 1:1. The expense and the cost to the operator of a well functioning banner exchange system are not to be underestimated.
In the banner advertising banner sizes exist in many formats. Nevertheless, it automatically banner exchange usually only the standard banner with a size of 468 60 pixels (width by length by). The reason is that, when Banner exchange for each format enough tauschwillige Webmaster must bring together, so that the banner exchange is only possible for each banner size. In addition, the webmasters to create, in general only for a few banners and a banner ad formats at all this usually includes the standard banner in the size 468 60 pixels. The impact of advertising in banner exchange depends in particular on the following four factors: 1) The placement of the banner ad on the partner sites: The banner must be linked to good effect in the visible range of the participating sites.